bocaocongty 2500712270 - CHULI JOINT STOCK COMPANY

bocaocongty Vietnamese name CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN CHULI
Short name CHULI
Business ID/ Tax ID 2500712270
Head office House number 29 - Nguyen Khoan Street, Yen Lac Town, Yen Lac District, Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam
Tel 0968184814
Date of registration 26/12/2023
Operating status Active (Issued with certification)
Financial Statement Vietnamese accounting standards and regime
Main business lines Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
Last update 02/05/2024

Registered business lines

Industry code Industry name
0118 Vegetable, Legume, and Flower Cultivation
0121 Fruit Tree Cultivation
0125 Rubber Cultivation
0126 Coffee Cultivation
0128 Perennial Spice, Medicinal Plant, and Aromatic Plant Cultivation
0129 Other Perennial Crop Cultivation
0131 Annual Seedling and Agricultural Germplasm Care
0132 Perennial Seedling and Agricultural Germplasm Care
0141 Buffalo and Cattle Farming and Breeding
0145 Pig Farming and Breeding
0146 Poultry Farming
0149 Other Livestock Farming
0150 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming
0210 Forestry Planting, Forest Care, and Seedling Production
0220 Wood Logging
0231 Extraction of Other Forest Products, excluding Wood
0610 Crude Petroleum Extraction
1629 Manufacture of other wood products; production of products from straw, reed, and braided materials
1910 Coke production
2013 Production of plastics in primary forms
2219 Manufacture of other rubber products
3511 Electricity production
3811 Non-hazardous waste collection
3812 Collection of hazardous waste
3821 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
3822 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
3830 Recycling of recyclable materials
5630 Beverage service activities
8299 Other Unclassified Business Support Activities